The National Home Show returns in April

The National Home Show returns in April

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In addition to hosting more than 500 exhibitors, the show will bring back the DIY Centre and Dream Home

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The National Home Show is back! What a pleasure it is to write those words after the last two challenging years, when the pandemic forced us to cancel this annual showcase of home design, renovation and construction.

The 2022 National Home Show, presented by RE/MAX, will take place April 15-24 at the Enercare Centre in Toronto. The event will abide by all public health recommendations to keep consumers and vendors safe.

In addition to hosting more than 500 exhibitors, the show will bring back many of its popular features, including Design Intervention, the DIY Centre and the Dream Home by Bonneville Homes.

The lineup of fantastic speakers on the Main Stage will include Scott McGillivray and Debra Salmoni from HGTV’s Vacation House Rules, gardening expert Carson Arthur and designers Kate Davidson and Diana Rose.

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An exciting event taking place on April 22 will be a celebration of the winners of BILD’s 2022 Renovation & Custom Home Awards, which recognize RenoMark renovators and custom home builders for outstanding design, customer service and industry leadership.

We recently announced the finalists in 23 categories. In the category of Renovator of the Year, the finalists are Golden Bee Homes, Lifestyles by Barons, Master Edge Homes and The Finishers Toronto Renovations, while in the category of Custom Home Builder of the Year, the finalists are Golden Bee Homes and Luxor Homes. For a full list of finalists, visit

Many of the finalists and winners will be among the RenoMark renovators exhibiting at the Home Show. You will recognize them by the RenoMark symbol in front of their booths.

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These renovation professionals, all of whom have committed to RenoMark’s renovation-specific code of conduct, will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your next renovation.

The RenoMark Code of Conduct gives home owners peace of mind as it requires renovators to offer a minimum one-year warranty on all work, carry a minimum of $2 million in liability insurance and provide a detailed written contract.

You can also meet RenoMark renovators at the Destination Renovation exhibit, where they will be offering free 15-minute renovation consultations. Make the most of your time by bringing pictures and floorplans.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the National Home Show. Get your ticket now at

Dave Wilkes is President and CEO of the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), the voice of the home building, land development and professional renovation industry in the GTA. For the latest industry news and new home data, follow BILD on Twitter, @bildgta, or visit

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