These Are The 6 Best Summer Destinations In Ontario, According To Travel Influencers

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Summer is approaching, and what better time to enjoy Ontario’s beautiful scenery than when it’s nice and warm outside? If you’re planning on taking a little vacation this summer, here are some places you’ll want to check out.
We asked local travel influencers to share their favourite spots in the province for a summer getaway, and here’s what they came up with. From dreamy turquoise waters to stunning views, these spots will have you counting down the days until June.
Manitoulin Island
Cup and Saucer Trail in Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Courtesy of Lily Carlson
Nothing says ‘”summer” like an island escape, and travel blogger Lily Carlson at @lilyslensonlife loves to spend the season at this beautiful Ontario spot.
“The largest freshwater island in the world, Manitoulin Island is the perfect place for outdoor enthusiasts to explore and vacation this summer,” she says. “With beautiful natural landscapes, it’s home to the famous Cup and Saucer hiking trail, Bridal Veil Falls, and beaches of Providence Bay.”
“Break up your time adventuring with a cold beer from Split Rail Brewing or Manitoulin Brewing Company, a handcrafted caffeinated beverage from Sugar Bush Canadian Coffee House, or by visiting any of the many artisanal small businesses scattered throughout Gore Bay and Little Current.”
Rock Dunder
If you love a good summer sunset, then travel blogger Jamey Lee at @jameslifee knows just the place to go. “I absolutely love heading to Rock Dunder just outside of Kingston for a summer sunset hike,” he tells Narcity. “It can be a tiring one-hour trek up, but it’s an earned view that’s really tough to beat. Golden hour up there is something really special.”
Prince Edward County
Sandbanks Provinical Park in Prince Edward County, Ontario. Courtesy of Kelly Oliveira
Kelly Oliveira shares all sorts of gorgeous adventures on her Instagram account @thevacaygirl, and when it comes to summer getaways, this is the place she loves to visit.
“My favourite summer vacation destination is Prince Edward County,” she says. “More specifically, I absolutely love hitting up Sandbanks Provincial Park. With several beaches to choose from, trails to hike on and views that make you feel like you’re not in Ontario, it is the perfect place for a getaway with friends, your partner or your family!”
Flowerpot Island in Tobermory, Ontario. Courtesy of Bethany Anderson
Travel blogger Bethany Anderson at @thecolourfultraveler is always exploring different parts of the province, and during the summer months, this is her top spot to go.
“Tobermory is the perfect summer getaway with a lot to offer,” she says. “There are many beaches to choose from, my favourite being Indian Head Cove attached to the famous Grotto. A day can be as adventurous or relaxed as you like, from hiking the Bruce Trail to strolling through the quaint lakeside towns. But nothing beats ending your day with a delicious meal on the patio while watching the sunset against the harbour.”
Sandbanks Provincial Park
Sandbanks Provinical Park in Prince Edward County, Ontario. Courtesy of Jennifer Logan
If sandy beaches and blue water is all you’re dreaming about, then Jennifer Logan at @jenzjourneys says this is the place to be.
“Just 2.5 hours east of Toronto, Sandbanks Provincial Park will always hold a special place in my heart,” she tells Narcity. “A popular Ontario summer destination, Sandbanks is known for its endless white sand beaches, safe shallow waters, and for its beautiful sunsets!”
“Home to the world’s largest largest baymouth barrier dune formation, Sandbanks also hosts a large population of monarch butterflies who enjoy their summers there too! Explore Prince Edward’s County’s wine country during your stay, or just visit for the day like we do! Whether your trip is with family, friends or a special someone, we made cherished memories at Sandbanks Provincial Park and no doubt you will too!”
Thunder Bay
The Amethyst Mine Panorama in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Courtesy of Sydney Bouwers
Sydney Bouwers at @theluckynavigator tells us that this Ontario spot is an amazing place to explore during the summer, and it’s worth the lengthy car ride.
“My favourite road trip to take during the summer here in Ontario is Thunder Bay,” she says. “It’s about a 16-hour drive from Toronto but so worth it for the unique experiences and time immersed in nature. My recommendations include camping and hiking at Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, braving the longest suspension bridge in Canada at Eagle Canyon, taking in the views at Ouimet Canyon, climbing Mount McKay, experiencing local art at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery, and hunting for your own amethyst at Amethyst Mine Panorama.”
Before you get going, check our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.
This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.
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